Business loan UK

Business loan UK

If you want to grow or expand your business and if you want to increase turnover and profitability then you need to invest in your business. To do this business’s normally need to borrow money.

If you are wondering if a business loan is right for you, or you are interested in hearing more about the benefits of business loans, business loan UK banks and other lenders will be able to provide you with plenty of advice and offers.

It is worth remembering to shop around, as business loan UK banks are only able to offer you the products which they offer, whereas independent commercial finance brokers will be able to offer a wider range of options to suit your needs.

To get a business loan UK banks and lenders may require:

  • some form of security for the loan
  • a personal guarantee from a director
  • evidence that your business is financially stable- such as three years of accounts
  • proof of good credit history

Business Loan UK Solutions

If you do want a business loan UK lenders will be able to offer you a great choice of options.
The options include:

  • An agreed business overdraft
  • Asset leasing
  • Asset based finance
  • Invoice Finance- Factoring and Discounting

No matter what option you choose, you need to make sure it’s the right product for you and will continue to support your business as it grows. To get the best advice, business loan UK independent commercial financial advisers will be able to provide you with some free and impartial advice. They will know exactly what products are on the market, what products will suit you and they will be able to put you in touch with suitable lenders.

A flexible business loan

When you are borrowing money to invest in your business, you will want a loan that is quick and easy to arrange, that’s doesn’t need any security and that is flexible and controllable.

Invoice finance delivers all of these benefits.

  • With invoice finance you borrow against your sales ledger, so in effect it isn’t really a loan as you have already earned the money, you are just simply being paid earlier by your lender.
  • Invoice finance can release up to 95% of the cash tied up in your unpaid invoices, often within 24 hours of you raising the invoice.

For further advice regarding business loans please contact us on 0800 597 4757 or apply online using the form opposite.