If your business is suffering for any of the following problems:

  • cash flow
  • inability to pay bills
  • more liabilities than assets
  • customers who won’t pay

If so then your business might be at the stage of distress or insolvency, at this point it is a good idea to speak to a business turnaround specialist as soon as possible.

If you do find yourself in this situation, don’t panic and make decisions without knowing about all your options. Try to avoid court action and personal liability, as this will only make matters worse.

Professional help

A business turnaround specialist can be a great help, as they will be able to give you an objective view and they may offer solutions that you have never considered. Whilst this can be very distressing for you, business turnaround specialists are experts in this field and will have a wealth of experience in this area. They can also often identify the root cause of the problems that your business is experiencing, whilst helping you obtain the injection of cash that you need.

Often personal debts need to be attended to via either an IVA Individual Voluntary Arrangement or bankruptcy advice.

Sources of advice:

Bankruptcy Insolvency Debt Advice Service

The IVA Community

Debt Advice Service

Business funding options

Cash flow difficulties can prompt businesses to find new ways of boosting working capital fast. However even though your business may be in distress and may need to be turned around doesn’t rush into anything, make sure you consider all your options so that you don’t make expensive or restrictive funding decisions.

There is a range of business funding options available to you, and business funding solutions for business who need to be turned around usually include a combination of methods.

The funding options can include:

  • Invoice Financing, such as factoring which allows you to unlock the cash that is tied up in your unpaid invoices.
  • Stock financing, enables a business to borrow money against the value of the stock they hold on their balance sheet.
  • Asset financing, allows you to use your assets to secure a cash injection.
  • Property financing, allows you to raise finance on your land and buildings.

This guide will explore the various business turnaround options.

Business owners can risk their personal livelihoods if their businesses fail. Our team of business turnaround experts can provide advice and help in difficult times. To discuss a potential case, please call us on 0800 597 4757 or info@factoringhelpline.co.uk[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Whatever the businesses requirements, business owners should aware of their options and what’s available. If a business is viable, there’s probably a business finance package that will meet its needs. Our advice team will helps business owners decide on how much business finance is required, the most appropriate type of funding and how to secure it.

To discuss a potential case, please call us on 0800 597 4757 or info@factoringhelpline.co.uk