In the UK a confidential facility is private agreement between an invoice finance provider and a business which remains undisclosed to customers of the business. In the UK, at present, over 70,000 businesses have confidential invoice discounting facilities in operation. For help and assistance choosing an confidential invoice discounting company please call 0800 597 4757 or apply online.

  • Confidential invoice discounting means that the business carries out the function of collecting the money owed from the customers and then paying it back to the invoice discounting company.
  • Confidential invoice discounting is an invoice finance route only usually available to larger companies with annual sale of at least £300,000 to 500,000 per year.
  • The reason that confidential invoice discounting is “confidential” is because the business customers do not know that an invoice discounting facility is being used.
  • Most confidential Invoice Discounting companies advances up to 95% of the value of submitted invoices.
  • Confidential invoice discounting is often know as ‘C I D’.
  • Please note that confidential invoice discounting facilities are only available for business with a track record making healthy profits.
  • The advantage of using a confidential invoice discounting facility is a business retains ownership and control of its invoices and sales ledger.
  • For a business to qualify for a confidential invoice discounting facility it must pass an audit by the invoice finance firm on its credit control abilities.
  • Of all the invoice finance options available to UK businesses, confidential invoice discounting becoming the most popular choice.

Confidential Invoice Discounting (CID) is a flexible and efficient source of working capital that enables you to convert up to 95% of your trade debtors into cash within 24 hours. For further information about confidential Invoice Discounting please contact the confidential invoice discounting advice team on 0800 597 4757 or apply online.