At the UK factoring helpline we strive to compare quotes more the leading invoice discounting providers in the UK including high street banks, independently owned businesses and niche firms of invoice discounting companies. Either call us on 0800 597 4757 or apply online to compare invoice discounting quotes today.Invoice discounting is popular form of invoice finance where a business has an borrowing facility with a lender enabling it to draw money against approved credit invoices. Under an invoice discounting arrangement a business retains control over the administration of your sales ledger. Invoice discounting can provide a cost-effective way for businesses to improve their cashflow.

How our invoice discounting compare quote service works:

A business can use our service to search and compare invoice discounting quotes from the UKs leading invoice discounting companies. Simply enter some basic details to compare invoice discounting firms and then find one that best suits your cashflow and business needs.

  • Fill in details online or call 0800 597 4757
  • You’ll get a call from us to discuss the feasible invoice discounting providers
  • You can get several quotes then you can compare quotes and choose, we will be with you every step of the way in choosing the most suitable invoice discounting firm.

We can compare invoice discounting quotes from the UK’s leading invoice finance companies. Invoice Discounting – Read More and Compare Quotes.

Please note that invoice discounting is a complex, long-term agreement that can have a major effect on a businesses cashflow. Our invoice discounting specialists can offer independent advise on the legal and financial implications of invoice discounting.

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In the UK most invoice discounting firms require three months’ notice if an invoice discounting facility is cancelled. Please beware of companies have notice periods of up to a year as these can prove expensive for a business. As part of our service will compare the notice periods of several invoice discounting firms and negotiate on your behalf.

Choosing an Invoice discounting firm for your business

There are a variety of invoice discounting companies in the UK to choose from. Some are subsidiaries of major banks, some are privately owned firms and other are niche lenders that support particular lenders. You need to be able to make an informed choice, so it’s worth approaching more than one factor and compare invoice discounting quote.

Please note that an Invoice discounting facility can either operate on a confidential or a disclosed basis. If you are unsure what method of invoice finance is best for you please call 0800 597 4757 or apply online.

Invoice discounting specialists

Under an invoice discounting facility a business retains control over the administration of its sales ledger. Invoice discounting is an excellent, cost-effective way for certain businesses to improve their cashflow position. Call one of our highly experienced invoice discounting team on 0800 597 4757 to discuss flexible cash flow solutions that work for your business.

Five benefits of invoice discounting

  1. By using an invoice discounting facility a business can receive cash as soon as a sales invoice is raised
  2. A business that uses invoice discounting will find that its cash flow and working capital position is improved.
  3. Under an confidential invoice discounting facility a business will only pay interest on the funds that it borrows
  4. Invoice discounting is more flexible than debt factoring.
  5. The advantage of invoice discounting is that it can be arranged confidentially, so that customers and suppliers are unaware that the business is borrowing against sales invoices before payment is received.

Invoice Discounting gives your business a commercial finance service that provides fast access to cash owed on invoices that have been raised. For more information and to compare invoice discounting quotes please call 0800 597 4757 or apply online