There are a number of advantages that invoice finance offers over other funding options.

A secure form of finance

The sales ledger is used to secure access to funds, so as your business grows so does the amount of funds that can be made available to you.

Access to specialist expertise

Invoice financiers take an in-depth view of your business – this includes taking into account the entire financial picture when making a funding decision.

It’s finance that grows with you

You get an immediate cash injection and an ongoing source of funding linked directly to current sales. As business grows and sales increase, so does the amount of working capital that the invoice financier can make available.

Improve your profitability

Paying suppliers early lets you buy in larger quantities and take advantage of any volume discounts available.

An extensive credit history is not required in the UK

The sales ledger of the business is used to secure its access to funds. This means those businesses which may have been turned down for bank funding have a viable and trusted funding option.

Further Information

For further information about invoice finance please contact the confidential invoice finance advice team on 0800 597 4757 or apply online using the form opposite.