Confidential factoring is an undisclosed funding and collections service which releases cash tied up in unpaid invoices and takes away the time consuming task of chasing and collecting payments.
With a confidential factoring solution, the factoring provider’s involvement is not disclosed to your customers. They undertake credit management services and collection services in your company name so your customers have no knowledge of their involvement.

Benefits of confidential factoring

Immediate cash injection

By releasing money as soon as an invoice is raised, rather than having to wait 60 plus days for your customer to pay, meaning you have funds available to use in your business immediately.
Improved cash flow

Means you can tender for new business and start work on new orders without delay. You can settle bills promptly, improving supplier relationships and possibly secure early settlement discounts.

Ongoing working capital

Confidential factoring allows flexibility. The funds you can access grow in line with sales and without the need for you to re-negotiate overdraft limits. By accessing funds from invoices immediately, it’s often possible for you to repay bank facilities and release previously pledged security.
Some factoring providers are also prepared to provide finance against other assets, or even unsecured loans, as part of a packaged solution.

Save management time

Confidential factoring frees up valuable management time by providing a cost effective way of outsourcing your sales ledger management and collections. The factoring provider undertakes credit management services and collection services in your company name so your customers have no knowledge of their involvement.