Working with US

Five quick and easy steps to finding the right factoring or invoice discounting provider for your business.

Step 1
The specialist team will carry out a full assessment of the financial requirements of your business, taking into consideration the nature of the industry in which you work, current performance, internal processes and your cash requirements.
This assessment gives the our team the information needed to find the right funder that meets your individual requirements.
Step 2
We take this information, and using their extensive experience undertakes a broad review of factoring and invoice discounting providers, saving you considerable time and hassle.
Step 3
The list of possible factoring and invoice discounting providers is then narrowed down to two or three which the team has assessed as being able to provide the right service for your business.
With excellent relationships with invoice finance providers throughout the UK and Ireland, we have access to personnel at senior levels and are able to use their influence in order to get the best deal for your business.
We then talk through these options with you, providing a thorough explanation and advice on which finance package and funder will be right for your business.
Step 4
We will facilitate meetings with potential providers, managing the process throughout. A team member can attend meetings, if required, to provide support and advice. Once a finance package is decided this advisory role is extended with a full explanation of the legal documentation and terminology, terms and conditions and financial obligations ensuring throughout the process that the deal meets your timescales.
Step 5
The relationship with our team does not end with the signing of the agreement. The team stay in regular contact, ensuring the transition runs smoothly and the finance package is meeting your expectations. In the unlikely event of a dispute, we can act as arbitrators to try to resolve any issues. We are one of the only brokers in the market place to provide this service and are confident that no other invoice finance broker offers a more thorough and personal service.

Why Us

True, we’re not the only invoice finance brokerage out there. But we think we’re the best. So what makes us different?

You’ll actually enjoy working with us. We’re passionate about providing a friendly and personalised service based on empathy, trust, anticipating your needs and delivering on the promises we make. On time, every time.

Security and access to Funding

We provide specialist financial solutions for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) throughout the UK. We work with over 50 different invoice finance providers across the UK. This means our panel of lenders funding lines and limits are not restricted or liable to unexpected change.

We’re local to you so we understand exactly the environment you’re working in and we make all decisions locally too. You’ll also have the confidence and peace of mind knowing that you can always meet with our experienced teams face to face.

We’re responsive Because we take the time to understand your business, deals can be completed quickly and efficiently. We can ensure that the finance you need reaches you when you need it.

We’re consistent Unlike many of our competitors, our approach to funding decisions has always remained stable – so you’ve no need to worry about things changing overnight.

We are well established and respected in the sector and over 90% of all our new business comes from referrals from professionals outside our organisation.

98% of our clients recommend us We are committed to keeping a high level of service. Our low ratio of clients to account manager enables our clients to have easy access to real people.