If are would like to know how invoice factoring can solve business cash flow problems or just to discuss factoring in general please complete the following form or telephone 0800 597 4757

Factoring is a tried and tested tool that can to solve businesses cash flow problems. Factoringhelpline.co.uk will explain how factoring is a method of freeing up business cash flow and passing on the burden of collection to a invoice factoring company.Key points how invoice factoring can solve business cash flow problems

  • Invoice factoring is a way for a going concern to convert its invoices into cash quickly to aid cashflow.
  • Every business needs cashflow to grow
  • Invoice factoring is a method for UK business to convert future credit card receipts into immediate cash quickly to aid cashflow.
  • A business can improve its cashflow by selling its unpaid invoices to an invoice factoring company in return for immediate cash
  • A business can even sell its credit card receipts to an invoice factoring company in return for immediate cash.
  • Companies use factoring to increase cashflow to meet the costs of marketing.
  • Companies use factoring to aid cashflow to pay for advertising, which can be a drain on cashflow
  • Companies use factoring to increase cashflow due to the constraints of seasonal decline.
  • Factoring, unlike a traditional loan, does not create company debt.
  • You will not be required to make monthly payments with factoring.
  • Applying for factoring is decided by the size of a business’s invoices not its credit record.
  • A fast growing business grows relies heavily on regular payments to solve business cashflow problems.
  • Appling for invoice factoring to solve a business cashflow problems is far easier than applying for a loan or overdraft.

Invoice factoring is a great way for any business to remedy cash flow issues quickly. Many companies offer guarantees of funding in as little as 24 hours time. Factoringhelpline.co.uk can teach you all about invoice factoring, compare quotes instantly online or contact one of our trained cashflow experts on 0800 597 4757.